GENERAL ENGLISH - C2 Level - Verb Study 1 / Quiz 3
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word, or if there isn't a blank, find the present tense form of the verb.

The ground began to ..... during the earth......; She .....d with fear at the sight of the spider.; The building .....d as the train passed by.


She began to ..... at the sad news.; The movie was so touching that it made him ......; Willow trees are also known as .....ing willows.


Activists ..... the use of animals in laboratory experiments.; The policy was decried as unjust and harmful.; Activists decried the destruction of natural habitats caused by deforestation.


The government .....ed the controversial law.; He sought to ..... the contract after finding a better offer.; After further review, the organization decided to ..... its previous policy.